For Grantees

Thank you for partnering with us to address the physical, behavioral, and social needs of America’s vulnerable populations.


Below is some information and resources to guide our active grant partners. Please check in with your Elevance Health Foundation grant manager with any additional questions you may have.



Can I access my original application after it is submitted?
Once your application is submitted, you will be unable to access or revise it. When you’ve completed your application, make sure to download and retain a copy of it. If you have not saved it and need to obtain a copy of your application, please contact your Elevance Health Foundation grant manager.

Letter of Agreement
Where can I find my letter of agreement (LOA)?
To obtain a copy of your LOA, please contact your Elevance Health Foundation grant manager or email

Can I reapply for funding?
Typically, the Elevance Health Foundation does not award overlapping grants. Once your current grant term has ended and you have completed all required reporting, you will be eligible to reapply.

If you are a current grantee, we recommend that, prior to applying for another grant, you discuss additional funding opportunities with your Elevance Health Foundation grant manager.

When will I receive my grant payments?
Please refer to you letter of agreement for you grant payment schedule and conditions. Unless otherwise specified by your Elevance Health Foundation grant manager, all payments will be made through our grants management system, Benevity. Funds are generally released on the 21st of each month. Should you have any questions, contact your grant manager.

Tip. Resources are received more quickly if your organization is set up for electronic funds transfer (EFT) in Benevity under your "Cause Profile."

How will I receive my grant payments?
Organizations receive a single, aggregated payment from Benevity that includes any associate donations, the Elevance Health Foundation match (if eligible), and grants/sponsorships contributed for the previous month.

Funds can be transferred via EFT. If you have not set one up, you will receive a paper check through traditional mail.

Note: You will receive a full report with line-item detail reflecting amounts for associate donations, the Elevance Health Foundation match (if eligible), and grants/sponsorships. Please review this report before contacting your Elevance Health Foundation grant manager about the status of your payment.

How often should I check in with my Elevance Health Foundation grant manager?
Upon the start of your grant term date, your Elevance Health Foundation grant manager will schedule a call to kick off the partnership. After that, you and your manager will schedule regular calls at times convenient for both of you.

The frequency of the call depends on the size and duration of the grant and opportunities for Elevance Health engagement, among other factors. While your letter of agreement (LOA) outlines the formal grant reporting requirements, we always encourage updates along the way and view this as a true partnership.

When is my grant report due?
Progress Reports. Each grantee is required to complete a Progress Report twice year to provide updates on progress toward agreed-upon outcomes. The due date for your reports is based on the program’s start date as outlined in your grant LOA. To obtain a copy of your LOA, please contact your Elevance Health Foundation grant manager or

Elevance Health Foundation will provide a template for the progress report, and you will have 30 days to complete it. The report must include:

  • Interim results against the grant metrics detailed in you LOA
  • A financial accounting of the receipt and disbursement of funds and expenditures incurred under the grant agreement
  • Any media/public-relations exposure highlighting the Elevance Health Foundation’s support of the grant

Final Report. At the completion of your grant, you will have 30 days to submit a Final Grant Evaluation Report. The Foundation will provide a template for the report, which must include:

  • Final results against the grant metrics detailed in your LOA
  • A financial accounting of the receipt and disbursement of funds and expenditures incurred under the grant
  • Any media/public-relations exposure highlighting the Elevance Health Foundation’s support of the grant

Grant Modifications
What happens if we decide to make changes to the grant?
If you are unable to use the grant funds for the approved purposes outlined in the grant letter of agreement (LOA), you must immediately notify the Elevance Health Foundation to discuss options.

Program Goals
What if we are not going to hit the program goals?
If you determine that you will not be able to achieve the program goals outlined in the grant LOA, they should reach out to your Elevance Health Foundation grant manager as soon as possible to discuss options.

Unspent Funds
What if we have not spent the grant funds and the grant term is ending?
If you are unable to use the grant funds for the approved purposes outlined in the grant LOA, you must notify the Elevance Health Foundation immediately. Depending on the situation, you may be asked to provide a request for a no-cost extension.

Tax Status
What should we do if our organization’s tax status changes during the grant period?
Throughout the duration of the grant period, you must be exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code and a public charity described in section 509(a)(1) or (a)(3) of the code. You must not be a section 509(a)(3) type III nonfunctionally integrated organization.

You must notify the Elevance Health Foundation immediately if:

  1. The IRS revokes your tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3), effective as of any date within four years of the date of this letter, or
  2. The IRS classifies your organization as a private foundation or as a type III non-functionally integrated organization.

Can we include the Elevance Health Foundation’s logo in our organization’s program materials?
As outlined in your grant letter of agreement (LOA), the Elevance Health Foundation works in partnership with you to develop and execute a mutually agreed upon communications plan. Our goal is to showcase the work we are doing together to improve our communities.

Communications that may highlight the Elevance Health Foundation include but are not limited to:

  • Press releases
  • Organization websites and/or collateral with the Elevance Health Foundation logo and acknowledgement of support
  • Social-media posts
  • Media-pitching and storytelling opportunities that demonstrates program impact

Which Elevance Health Foundation logo should we use?
The Elevance Health Foundation operates under different brands depending on geography. Below are brand resources to support your communications.

Please note: As outlined in your grant LOA, we ask that all communications that mention the Elevance Health Foundation be sent to your Elevance Health Foundation grant manager and public relations director for review and approval

Matching Gifts
Is my organization eligible for the Elevance Health Foundation’s matching gifts program?
The Elevance Health Foundation’s Dollars for Dollars matching gifts program provides a $1:$1 match on our associates’ donations to our signature charities. Our signature partners were selected based on their alignment with our company strategy, their national recognition and reach, and their local affiliates and members so that we can make a difference in people’s lives in our own communities. Signature partners include:

How do Elevance Health associates participate?
One of the many enhancements in our Elevance Health for Good associate engagement site is the ability for our associates to make payroll deductions to nonsignature charities without the match. Payroll deduction through employers are the most efficient way for a nonprofit to receive donations and put those funds to work.

Another way our associates can support their favorite nonprofit organizations is through Elevance Health’s Dollars for Doers program. By volunteering for nonprofits, regardless of their signature charity status, Elevance Health associates can earn $10/hour, which they can then direct to any 501c3 of their choice.

How can I share volunteer opportunities with Elevance Health associates?
Elevance Health associates learn about volunteer opportunities through our Benevity Associate Engagement platform. Nonprofits can create a profile within the platform and post volunteer opportunities for our associates to see. Use this guide to help you create your profile. Please note that for Part D, the share key is “ElevanceHealthShareKey.”

Through our Dollars for Doers Program Dollars for Doers program, Elevance Health associates can earn $10 for every hour they volunteer in the community, which they can then direct to any 501c3 of their choice.